


In its first phase (September 2006 - March 2008), ART GOLD Albania operated in support of the Regions of Durres, Gjirokaster, Shkoder and Vlore. The Programme implemented the successful practices and strategies applied in the country through the UNDP Albania Local Governance Programme (LGP) and IFAD-UNOPS “PASARP” programmes, to support the Government in implementing local plans and strategies to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the local level, with particular attention to the most vulnerable groups.

ART GOLD Albania works with an inter-sectorial approach in the following complementary fields: governance; environmental protection and territorial planning; local economic development; local, social and healthcare system; culture and education.

The Ministry of Interior is the national institution in charge of coordinating the Programme, through the Deputy Minister for Decentralization and Local Governments.

The National Steering Committee (NSC) is chaired by the Deputy Minister for Decentralization and Local Governments and integrated by Inter-ministerial Committees and Working Groups including the following Ministries: Economy, Trade and Energy; Health; Agriculture and Food; Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport; Environment, Forests and Water Administration; Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication; Education and Science. The NSC provides the Programme with the sectorial National Strategies, guiding and coordinating the actions implemented at national and local level.

Local coordination is provided by the participatory Regional Working Groups (RWG) of Durres, Gjirokaster, Shkoder and Vlore Regions. They are headed by the Regional Chairpersons and integrated by representatives of the Municipalities and Communes, relevant central government sectorial directorates, universities and social interested stakeholders. They are responsible of defining, implementing and monitoring the strategic projects, fostering the active participation of the population and preparing the Territorial Marketing documents. They are also responsible of coordinating the different contributions of relevant central government sectorial directorates, universities and social interested stakeholders. They are also responsible of coordinating the different contributions from the international cooperation partners.

ILS LEDA supported the following activites:

  • Support to the Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDAs) of Shkoder, Durres and Vlore, to reduce poverty and unemployment, offering integrated assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises, focusing on the most disadvantaged sector of the population
  • Production of Territorial Marketing and Regional Plan for International Cooperation documents in the target regions
  • Support to AULEDA and TEULEDA for local authorities’ capacity building on Local Economic Development (LED), developing LED plans, conduct survey on potentials for LED in the region.
  • Support to AULEDA AND TEULEDA fro the implementation of 3 INTERREG III A Adriatic Cross border projects
  • Implementation of the “Lumi i Vlore” project, in collaboration with AULEDA, Ministries of Tourism, Environment, Marche Region, Lecc and Cosenza Provinces, Cerzeto and Arbëresh Municipalities, University of Salerno, Parco dello Stretto, Environmental Agency of the Territorial pact of northern Bari, “Parco Horcynus Orca” Literary Park, Acito and Partners association of Matera and the Union of Communes of Grecia Salentina. In the framework of Lumi i Vlore Project, ILS LEDA supported AULEDA for local authorities’ capacity building and training, for developing a survey on the valley’s situation and for raising public awareness.
  • 12 December 2018
  • Europe

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